

通常のGPRS接続はVND 91/10Kbytesです。


[50 GPRS Package]
Monthly subcription: VND 50,000(月350円) with certain 9,000 Kbytes/month.
Certain amount is valid within a month. It cannot be transferred to next month.
9001st Kbytes will be charged VND 64/10Kbytes.
Only MobiFone postpaid customer.

[100 GPRS Package]
Subscription fee: VND 100,000(月700円) with certain amount 24,000Kbytes/month.
Certain amount is valid within a month. It cannot be transferred to next month.
24,001st Kbytes will be charged VND 64/10Kbytes.
Only MobiFone postpaid customer

[Unlimited Charge Package]
Subscription fee: VND 250,000/month(月1750円)
Only postpaid customer